Monday 6 September 2010

When Life is too hard to deal with: To Write Love On Her Arms

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To Write Love On Her ArmsImage by ninniane via Flickr
So, I was going to write one big piece for this week as suicide prevention day is coming up, but it just made me sad, depressed and frankly, I entered a dark place. I decided instead to provide links to info I think the world should read and give the little extra that I feel should be stressed on. Addiction, Depression, Self Harm and Suicide are topics that truly matter to me, right up there with abuse. I consider addiction, self harm and suicide to be abuse, not only of oneself, but of the people around you.   They do far more harm than we expect, scarring the lives of millions of people each year.
To Write Love on Her ArmsImage via Wikipedia
I want to introduce you guys to TWLOHA (To Write Love on Her Arms).  It's a movement dedicated to the above.  TWLOHA has been raising awareness about addiction, depression, self harm and suicide since 2006.  They link people to hotlines and rehab centres close by and they offer real life stories from real life victims.  TWLOHA is all about showing people that they are not alone, that they are loved, and that life is so worth living right.  Feel free to visit their site and read their blog. The only problem I have with TWLOHA is that it's transitioned from a movement into a fad.  Everyone is writing love, but not everyone knows why.  I think we should all know the reasons why we do what we do.  I missed TWLOHA day this year (was in febuary), I think the decision was made to randomise it so it's not treated like christmas, where people think about it only at that time of the year.

For those of you out there who are feeling lost and all alone, who think constantly of suicide, who hurt yourselves:  remember, don't pick up that razor, don't slice up that wrist.  Instead, write "Love" on your arms. 

I write love on my arms.  Hopefully, you will too.....



  1. Interesting piece. Didn't know about TWLOHA (let alone the day). I'll be writing...

  2. @ Tetekai and Will, glad to have others join the bandwagon. These topics are still pretty much kept under the rug here in Ghana and most of Africa. They're taboo subjects and it's going to be a huge step to have something like TWLOHA here. My dreams.....hopefully I can hurry get that phd and get to work effecting change. It's sad knowing there's help out there but most people can't reach it......

  3. LOL! Good luck getting anyone to listen to you when all you have is a BSc in psychology and NO practical experience in running an organisation.

    I have big ideas but sadly, I know nothing of how to implement them. I want the skills to back up my big mouth when I start yapping and hounding bureaucrats :)


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