Thursday 9 September 2010

Hypocrisy at its best......

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Y'all need to see what the Diva has to talk about today.

I certainly couldn't have said it any better meself.

Soliloquies of a Diva



  1. Lol he's not being consistent. It really seems to me that he's doing it for the media attention and to get more people to join his church. I wish people wouldn't do offensive stuff and claim it was for God. We preach love, not hate and he really should know better. Grr....

  2. Don't mention it hun.

    I still can't believe he was going to pull a stunt like that. The outcry from the muslim communities was justified in my opinion and I shudder to think what would have happened if he'd gone through with his plan.

    Us christians need to keep an eye out for these renegades. People like him give us a bad name, much like Bin Laden and his friends are giving muslims a bad rep.


Speak your mind. Just please be tolerant of others' ideas and do not ridicule commenters.