Sunday 1 August 2010

15 signs you're watching too much anime......

Share it Please
1. You dream about Ninjas on Motorcycles (post on this coming soon)
2. You refer to your life as your Nindo (way of the ninja)
3. You find yourself learning Japanese so you do not need the subtitles
4. You find yourself practicing hand seals and jutsu poses
    b. You KNOW all the hand seals and jutsu poses.
5. You know what a deathnote is and have plans on how to use it
6. You know what Shinigami, Hollows and Arancars are and can explain the difference between the three
7. You write fanfiction
8. You're listening out for your zanpaktu's name

9. You think Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi are the sexiest personas
10. You cried when Jiraiya died
11. You cried when L died and wished it'd never happened
12.Your facebook profile picture is of your favourite anime character

13.You wish there was a comic/anime convention nearby so you could wear your ninja costume

14. You're wondering who on earth is going to play Yoruichi in the movie version of Bleach
15.You hated "the last airbender" movie (actually, even people who hadn't seen the anime hated this one)

Don't ask, and I won't have to lie lol.  What I can tell you is that I've been binging on anime and drama this weekend :)


  1. Okay, i don't know all the names there, but i love anime. Can't get enough of it to watch. join you sometime?

  2. Lol!Daixy Daixy. We could have lots of fun together oo..

    I watched The last airbender and hated it too.. They shouldn't even bother about a sequel. Its just not worth it.

    About the anime genre, I've watched a few episodes of Naruto and guess what, I loved it. I'm even thinking of getting the whole volume. And, subtitles don't bother me at all.

  3. @ Tetekai, Anime is awesome. If I could have a job watching it all day long, I'd be in heaven lol. My hard drive crashed so I've lost most of my stuff but you're welcome to join me on my weekend binges one of these days :)

    @ Enyonam, Girl, I don't doubt that we'd have a blast. Airbender should have remained an anime or maybe even a 3-D animation. I dunno what ever possessed nikolodeon to allow Shamalayan to mess with it :(

    And you'd better watch all of Naruto!!! I need another girl I can gush to about it. My parents are complaining about the fact that all my friends are guys. There's only three girls they see at home. It worries them :P

    Oh and what anime do you watch Tetekai? I'm simply curious :D

  4. LMAO! Oh I do know quite a number of anime junkies who should def read this! :D

  5. Rofl! You left out, "You download the opening theme songs in Japanese and listen to them on repeat until you can sing them perfectly word for word" :D

  6. Will....shhh. I dont want people to know how sick I've gotten lol


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