Saturday 25 June 2011

Silky Smooth & Sexy......

My mop broke.  That's my excuse for being at shoprite at 8:30pm on a saturday evening.  If you've met me, you'll know that I dislike the mall with a passion and try to avoid it as much as possible.  Sadly, it's the one place I will visit when I need something like a self-squeezing mop or foreign foodstuffs I won't find at my local market.

So yeah, my mop broke and I chose to go get a new one on account of I needed to finish cleaning my room.  Now, I'm gonna quit yapping about mops before I end up gushing about this new one, with it's twist to squeeze feature and easy grip.

Something shocked me as I walked bast the bath products aisle! 

See, there was a section with razors.  I love razors and shaving cream. So I decided to check if they had Venus razors.  You know, the line that's made specifically for women?  I've run out and been looking for months for venus sticks in every pharmacy or store I visit.  I figured, "Oh the mall should have them".  Oh poor naive me.

No Venus sticks!  Everything From Bic to Gillette but no Venus?

I think it was the frustration of the endless searches and the fact that I'd gotten my hopes up that made me blurt out to my male companion "Why don't they have venus razors?  Don't Ghanaian women shave?!"  My voice was a bit too loud (usually I can be heard from accross a room lol) and I could hear the couple behind me laugh out loud.  My friend said, "No they don't.  Haven't you seen the hairy legs and the beards that could rival mine?"

Come to think of it, ghanaian women don't seem to like to shave their legs.  Or faces, or their bikini area.  I once had a roommate (in college) laugh at me when I complained that I couldn't find my favourite Gillette women's shaving cream on the market.  She laughed even harder when I switched to NAIR and asked me why I bothered.

Well I think women should live by the Triple S Principle. Yes they should have SSS= Skin So Soft.  And that oh so soft skin should also be SSS= Silky-Smooth and Sexy.  Nothing irks me more than seeing a woman in a short skirt and beautiful legs that are suffocating underneath a heavy layer of hair, and yet my fellow ghanaian women are reluctant to grab a razor, so much so that a whole shoprite will not bother stocking a special line of razors for women.  You've never had a perfect shave until you've tried a Venus razor, in my opinion.  Their special bikini area trimmer is a wonderful addition to a woman's bathroom routine and their soothing solution for razor bumps is marvelous!

I saw a woman once in town and she was sporting a hairy face.  For a while, I thought she was a man until i noticed the dress.  Even the men shave their beards.....why can't we get rid of ours when our bodies decide to produce too much testosterone?  Oh and that one time at the beach where this girl showed up in a bikini but had forgotten to trim her bikini area?  Like seriously?  And you see it all the time.  Pretty women who work at the bank, wearing their short tight little numbers with orangutan legs to match....

I have lots of questions.

First is, do ghanaian women truly object to shaving/waxing/trimming legs and other areas?

2. If you do remove/manage hair, what products do you use?
3. Why do you choose to shave (or otherwise) ?
4. If your local store stopped shipping whatever product you use for hair removal, would you demand that they restock?

5. Ghanaian guys, what do you think about women who shave/wax their legs?

6. And what of women who don't?  Would you be cool hanging out with a woman whose legs were much more hairy than yours?

Let's hear from you, people.  I want to know what the deal is with this.

I've Missed this space.  Hopefully work will afford me some time to revisit.  Thanks to those who still check out this space.  God Bless,

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