Saturday 11 September 2010

Happy Birthday Lil' Miz Daixy.....

Share it Please
Right. Getting down to brass tacks.
Iz Mai Berfdai!!!
I'm growing old. it's as simple as that lol. For every year that's tacked on, I'm reminded that I'm no longer nineteen. I was so happy at nineteen. As Ray Charles would say, "It was a very good year". I had just started uni and discovered that once again, I was the "Americano in town" and I had the time of my life shocking people who would gossip in twi about me and the tomboyish way I dressed. It was, and still is wonderful to see their faces when I call up someone on the phone and start speaking fante LOL. Oooh and I discovered Asian Cooking back then and boy, did my kitchen smell good that year?!
But I do realise that there's much I appreciate in the years after that. I've done and learned a lot and most importantly, I'm on the road to self discovery and happiness. I've no doubt of that. Me and the boyfriend celebrated our one year anniversary :) Oh and I picked up Guitar....I've gone back to the kitchen....and even better, I've made wonderful new friends who care enough to start calling before midnight to wish me a happy birthday lol. Thanks guys....Now I'm wide awake rofl.

I didn't know I'd make it this far and I have to thank God for getting me here. I've been wandering about blindly and yet I've not done half bad methinks. I guess the big wish for my candle this year is that I discover what it is I am meant to do. I know, I know, I'm always demanding something from you but you're like, GOD! Who else am I going to make wild demands to? lol.
I just wanna give a birthday holla @ the peeps who are blessed enough to share my special day:
Fr. Edmund Neizer (formerly of St. Kizito's Catholic Church)
Mrs. Ewuley (Christ the King International School- She taught me in 4th year)
Donald Griffith (Who probably doesn't remember me ROFL)
Barry White (I love you man! Your music will live on!!!!)
Yao Ming (One of these days, me and you have to shack up. Dunno how I'll explain the half co baby but I thank God for the Portuguese blood in my BF lol) {Did I mention my mom is fascinated by you? She says she won't mind having you for a son in law)
Jennifer Hudson (My voice is nowhere near as strong as yours is, but I can't wait for the day me and you get to belt out a couple of songs @ the BET awards)
Reuben Studdard (You're a lucky man to share my spotlight lol and YES I'm that vain).
September (I adore Cry For you!!! And I hate that you've chosen the stage name I woulda picked rofl)
Paul Walker (I have to admit that you're drool worthy. Not like Barry, but drool worthy nonetheless)
So yeah, Happy birthday y'all and remember to have a good one. Barry, remember to put in a word for me to the Big Guy. Oh and see if he can't make me 19 again? ;) Oh and I hope you, Marvin, Teddy, Raye and Luther aren't giving Michael a hard time. The six of you would be AMAZING together.
So yeah, today, I'm gonna eat and drink enough for all of us (Fruit Juice). Umm..I figure I'll drink 1/8th of what Yao would. He's got a bigger tank than I do. Oh and this year I'm not gonna try to call him up so I can scream, "Yao! I want to have your giant babies!" I think I'll send him an email instead ;) Just in case Nanasei is reading this, NO, there will be no milkshakes. Just smoothies ;) And pardon the randomness but did warn you (check out my profile and get used to it).
Much Love,
PS. @ the boyfriend....Arigatou Gozaimashita mai koibito. Aishiteru!


  1. Happy birthday gal.... Enjoy the day...

  2. Belated Happy Birthday, Daixy! Hope you had a wonderful time. And thanks for setting my mind at ease. I never heard smoothies ever hurt anybody - especially the strawberry banana combo from Smoothie King. LOL

  3. Danke Danke Danke!!!! I had a blast :) I'm so happy, I'm practically glowing lol.

  4. Happy Birthday, Daixy. Better late...

  5. Belated Birthday greetings Miss Daixy!

  6. @ Nya Nya....scusi por favor. (lord knows what it is I'm typing lol) Anywho...Amigo it is. Did I call you my girlfriend? :P

  7. @ Mike, thanks hun :) I'm still celebrating actually. Still receiving gifts, would you believe it? Seems the gift of choice is candy. I'm gonna need to see the dentist when this week is over lol. Wanna come over for some swiss chocolate? rofl

  8. Daixy...belated happy birthday. A true virgo! Hope you had fun. I know "true" when I write that as my late brother was one, too. You only have one life--live it to the max. Love what you've done to spruce your blog.

    Really cool!!

  9. Gosh EKB, thanks hun :) I had a blast, i can promise you that. Sorry to hear about your bro. Hope he lived the advice you're giving me :)

    Hope to see you around here more often.


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