Saturday 14 August 2010

Guess Who's back....

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Guess who's back?
Back again?
Daixy's back
Tell a friend ;)
So this little lady went on a road trip and worked her arse to the bone. Two weeks of hard work never killed anyone right?
After two weeks in the lovely Upper East Region of Ghana, I am back home.  It feels wonderful to be back in my own bed, to curl up with my kitty Ginger next to me. I really missed him.  He's lost so much weight since I've been gone :(  No more stuffy hotel rooms, no eating strange stuff that makes my tummy grumble, and even better?  I have my kitchen back!!!  No more MSG.  Just plain old good Daixy cooking.

I'm not looking forward to the stress of regular work and home, but I did miss my family and friends.   I'm no longer the stranger everyone mistakes for a young doctor (which can be interesting at times)  and I won't be laughed at for pronouncing words wrong.  I had so much salt, cuz I was eating lunch at a local bar (lunch being a couple sticks of khebab from the self acclaimed "best khebab in town").
So, fun things I got to do on this trip?  Well, I witnessed a donkey fight.  The lighter toned donkey had a firm grip on the others ear and wouldn't let go. 
Our guide got out of the car to seperate them and that's when the victim turned into the attacker.  I had a good lol at that, cuz whereas the light donkey was biting his ear, this dude went for his tail.  He didn't make it though ;)
Our local guide informed us that these usually docile creatures can bite and kick each other to death and for no apparent reason.  There were no females about, they had nothing to prove to each other...And I can bet you they just ran off to find someplace more private to finish off the match.
I was hanging out of the car to get these shots.  Kinda disappointed that my zoom wouldn't get in any farther :(  That moment where the darker donkey's teeth were about to snap onto the others tail?  Breathtaking.  I was actually cheering him on lol.  (Woso ka no bi!!!)
I love this side of  Ghana.  It's nature: clean and undisturbed by urbanisation, exactly as she should be.   Too bad it's not home lol.
Now I'm off to catch a few zzzs.  Monday's coming up lol


  1. love ur blog.. always waiting for my next fix :-D

  2. @ Anonymous, bless you. I believe you've made my morning, if not the entire day :) Glad you like it. I'll try to be more regular with posts

  3. Good to have you back, Linn. Glad you had fun. The UER is not what I envisioned... especially after your photos.

    Guess cat-fights are out. Donkey fights are IN! :)

  4. @ Will, It's green this time of year cuz it's been raining. They tell me the rains have been sparse though. Usually, the rains come with flooding and they need canoes to move about!

    I find that I love it, whether it's 42 degrees celcius or 24. It's the people that make it amazing. I need to go when I have some time off and just hang with the people. I'm ready to eat everything they do (with the exception of dog meat). Funny how I didn't see a single cat....

  5. Woezor Daixy. I've missed you paa... Hope to read more this week... :-)

  6. Welcome back. Donkeys fighting?, wow.

  7. :) @ Enyonam, now the pressure's on. I dunno what on earth to write about this week lol. Good knowing that I've been missed. I feel all mushy inside now :D

    @ Tetekai, wish you'd been there. I bet you'd have been hanging out the window with me, screaming "ka no! Ka no!" Pity I didn't select the video option on the camera. ah well...shoulda coulda woulda lol


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