Monday 2 August 2010

From UER with love

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So, this little lady has gotten herself into another adventure.  Unfortunately, I can't go into details about my trip and I'll have to be careful what pictures I put up, but Lil' Miz Daixy is off to save the world again, one little kid at a time.  Last time I was up there, I got to go to the border between Ghana and Burkina.

Yes, that's me at the border.  I also got to go nutts and messed about with a 99 yr old croc.

Now I'm known to my friends and family as Shiela or Dundee ;)  Hopefully, I'll have the chance to see more of the area this time around.   I can't wait to see what else I can discover :)

I'll have internet and will be checking up on the blogosphere, but I doubt I'll be doing much posting or commenting.  Yes, I will be stalking you lot!  Anywho, I'm off for my first day of teaching kids inappropriate things to say ;)  Holla @ y'all later



  1. Just as long as you will enrich their minds; teach them 'inappropriate' things. LOL

  2. Safe travels, Daixy.

    Would have loved to see you actually sitting on the back of the 99-year-old croc. Wondering if it still got good reflexes. Sike. LOL...

  3. LOLOL! I'll do my best @ Tetekai.

    @ Nanasei...thanks hun :) Why don't you come with me next time, to tame the wild croc? ;)

  4. @Daixy: Coming with you may not be such a good idea as I'm prone to taming more than just wild crocs... LOL

  5. Oh yeah? I think you'd have a pretty good fight then, hun. Cuz I've not ever been known to back down ;)


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