Thursday 18 February 2010

Setting Myself Up for a HUGE Fall

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So, yesterday was Ash Wednesday and though I couldn't quite gather up the guts to go to church, I decided to give something up for lent.  After much careful deliberation, I thought to NOT get angry for the next six weeks.  Tough deal and definitely not going to happen.  So I decided to quit on the next thing that I do best.....COMPLAINING.  Yes, for the next 6 weeks, I will do my best not to complain about anything, be it the dirty plates my food is served in, or the taxi driver who crossed me illegally.  This may be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I can get angry but not complain?!!!!  Arghh!  I can feel a complaint coming up already.....

To make things even worse, to make up for all the years that I missed out on lent, I've decided to give up two things this year.  Anyone who knows me, knows by now that aside from geting angy and complaining, I have one vice that's most annoying;  My use of the F word!  For six weeks, little miss potty mouth will not utter a single F#$%.  And to prevent me from cheating, I won't be allowed to say my signature fudge, which I put in place of the F word when in polite company.  This should prove interesting.

Anyway, just wondering if you lot will be giving up anything for lent?  And if yes, what it'll be?  Anyone doing multiple losses like me?  I think there's a betting pool on how long I will be able to keep from saying the F word rofl.



  1. Thanks Lucci. Day one and I didn't use it even once. I almost failed at not complaining but I think I managed it well. Day two....Lawd help me for the next six weeks lol. Are you christian? Do you participate in the Lenten Season? Will you be giving up something? I'm curious as to what others deem important to drop.

  2. SO, where have you failed so far? I'm curious!

  3. This afternoon, I was having coffee with an old friend and we were discussing the Rawlings fire and the after effects; Like the poor journalist who got arrested cuz he used his freedom of speech. I understand suing someone for defamation of character but arresting them? Well, I was so into the conversation that I said, "That's F#$% up and then cringed the very second the word was out of my mouth. Of course, my buddy smiled at me and said, "You failed"....I can hear his laughter even now lol.

    So far, I've succeeded in not complaining and in another that I didn't mention before. Two out of three ain't bad...

    PS. All y'all ain't telling me what you're doing for Lent. One friend told me he doesn't take part cuz he's a Jehova's witness but surely that's not the case for EVERYONE who reads this blog?!!! ;)

  4. I will give NOTHING up. I've always thought Lent for Catholics, and I have always left it to them! Vices continue.

  5. Am with Nana Yaw's categorical imperatives;-) I ain't giving anything up either! I'm a good boy--what will I need to give up;-)))

    btw, Daixy, thanks for your mini-treatise over at my technology blog. Insightful comments! The battle to upseat Vodafone Ghana continues!!!

  6. LOL the way I see it, it's just 40 days. If I can give it up for 40 days, then I can give it up for a lifetime :) So yeah if I manage to keep my temper down, and watch my language, I very well may actually act the lady and stop shocking people with my fisherman's tongue.

    Of course, you don't have to give something up if you've got nothing that you need to. Nana Yaw has confessed though that he DOES have some vices lol. Weird how he's so proud of them but won't give us a hint ;)

    LOL Emmanuel. Good boy? I'll just nod my head and keep my mouth shut. And you're welcome? I know I wrote a thesis on there lol I need to learn to be like Nana Yaw hee and say what I mean with as little words as possible. Of course, we MUST pull VODAFONE down. Them's be snakes out in the open and even worse when under grass

  7. Thought I'd meet you at the blog meet.

  8. I'll be honest, I forgot all about it. Remembered this morning and cursed a blue streak (minus the F word of course). Will try to make it for the next one, at least via skype. Evening lessons mean I'm not really availble on short notice.


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