Wednesday 27 March 2013

Enough is Enough

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I was checking out Adventures From, yesterday and read something that dug into me.  The topics discussed on that site usually jab at me for various reasons but this article pretty much sums up a lot of what's been on my mind. The article is titled "What Exactly Are Our Attitudes About Abuse" and it's written by Malaka.

Malaka points out a lot that's wrong in the way our society handles victims of abuse in general and sexual abuse in particular. Victims do not get help. They're told to suck it up and move on; burdened with a load that should not be theirs to carry. It saddens me even more when the victim is a young child. Why should children have to deal with the depravity of adults?

I'm not saying it's better to rape an adult than a child. I'd rather sexual abuse never came up anywhere but I can't wrap my mind about anyone thinking it's okay to turn their sexual attentions on a child. The statistics Malaka points out are disgraceful. As always, it's usually the females targetted and I wonder when something will be done.

In a country where less than 5% of the National Health budget goes to mental health, how are we going to provide the necessary psychological care that victims of abuse need in order to move forward with their lives? When will we realise that abuse leaves victims with PTSD which can evolve into other disorders? We're not just talking trust issues and a few nightmares. We're talking possible depression and suicide. We're talking about potential multiple personalities etc, simply because people are not given the tools with which to not only cope, but overcome their experiences.

It sickens me to hear some of the scenarios Malaka mentions. It's about time we placed responsibility squarely on the shoulders on which they belong. The abusers, the society, the security and health agencies. 

Making victims keep quiet about their experiences only goes to pile more needless shame on their shoulders. Depriving them (knowingly or unknowingly) of counseling and other support is a travesty. Making them protect their abusers is a sin my fellow Christians should never ever commit.

Adventures from is doing something about it. They're organising "Surviving Sexual Abuse" This Friday (29th March) at Passions Cafe in Osu. More info here. Readings and performances on surviving are a great idea! Excellent group therapy, if you ask me. If you can make it, please drop in, even if it's only to offer support.

And if you're in a position to make change happen, please do. I think it's long overdue for victims to not only have a voice but the proper help they need.



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