Saturday 19 November 2011


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What I love about you
I can't quite explain
There's a thrill that runs through me
at the mention of your name
A tremble in my belly
And a shiver down my spine,
It's the whisper of your voice;
Asking to be mine

It's the tickle of your fingers,
As they tangle in my hair
The trail of tender kisses,
that leave me gasping for air

It's that welcome intoxication
Brought on by the smell of you;
Of earth and pine, and good old hard work;
An essence that has become, unmistakably, you.

It's the way you look at me;
Longing for more.
In your eyes I see a promise;
To love, to cherish
Protect and adore

You truly make me wonder
What else love has in store
And I cannot wait to discover
It all with you, amor.


*You know who you are*


  1. I`m loving this...Nice Post Daixy.

  2. I love this Daixy! Very well written.

  3. @DIDI Thanks! Glad you like it :)

  4. @Vicky YAY! You came, you saw, you commented lol. Thanks a lot. I hope to find more inspiration and the time in which to pour it out.

  5. @Tetekai (hug) domo arigatou Tetekai chan. Watashi wa sekimen shiteimasu (I'm blushing).

  6. Wow, Daixy, i bet it was written on an incredible day, tax to the person who triggered these emotions

  7. Oh lol. It's quite the opposite. I was hungry and craving sushi and realised I couldn't afford it. Then some Knight in silver armour decided to drive me around town looking for alternatives. I think I wrote this cuz I needed to focus on love instead of my growling belly. Thank goodness it worked. Would have been different if I'd written an ode to fried chicken ;)

    But Shh...don't tell the Knight in Silver ;) He likes to think I think of him daily, not just when I have a growling tummy lol


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