Wednesday 4 November 2009

What's in a KISS?

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There's a lot in a kiss. If it's a kiss between friends and family, it's a brief contact of lips on skin.

Now a KISS between lovers is a whole new thing. It is a melding of the lips, a scraping of teeth on sensitive skin. Usually leaving the lips swollen, it is a testament to the heated session that was just enjoyed. There's a swap of saliva, skin cells and possibly blood.

Yes, ONLY lust and love can make people want to swap bodily fluids in such a manner and even more so, when they decide to take things to the next level! :P

Teeth knocking against each other, tongues tasting every single region of the other person's crevice, searching, yearning to know every nook and cranny and essentially to mark the other person as yours....Kissing is  a battlefield in which the victors receive intense pleasure and if they're lucky, a partner to stick with for a lifetime.

Go on, Kiss someone today.

You know you want to.....



  1. Kissing makes you happy.

  2. Oh, that it most certainly does :)

  3. Well what can i say. Nice piece. Like it. Kiss on

  4. Thanks a lot Philip. Glad you like it :D

  5. OK, nice article, I must say. Very poetic and a lot of imagery. :P

  6. Bless you Elli. I will soon need a pin to deflate my head

  7. Nice 1. I can smell traces of maturity in d subject area.Lol. More grease to ur jaws.

  8. LMAO Ato. I don't think I've learned quite enough on the subject ;) Got any tips?

  9. Why ask for tips when you can, LIPS?

  10. LOL Nana Yaw. But that's the beauty of it. Asking for tips involves you having to practice with the tipper :P

    Perhaps I should write about the different kissing techniques..... I bet THAT would make my daddy proud ;)


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